Refreshing the screen, dazzling variety of patterns, colors bragging poker game.
【撲克●吹牛】是一款有趣的撲克牌【比運氣、比判斷力】遊戲,中文又稱之為【大話牌】,英文稱之為 Poker Card Boast,誰最先把手上牌丟完,誰就是贏家。 而且,透過排行榜,可以查看您在全球世界的分數排名喔。 遊戲特色 :- 由你自己新建紙牌圖案。- 提供 21 種紙牌圖案、18 種紙牌花色、17 種數字樣式。- 紙牌圖案、花色、數字樣式、動畫、背景 隨意搭配。- 可以用分數解鎖紙牌圖案、花色。- 點擊玩家,可以自訂玩家的圖案與名稱。 遊戲規則 :- 首先,每位玩家先將手中有【四張相同數字的牌】丟棄掉。- 首局,由開局者先開始丟牌。- 下局,由贏家開始丟牌。- 丟牌玩家可以說出正確數字,也可以謊報數字,下一位玩家則有【加牌 / 抓牌】二種選擇, 若【加牌】,則只能與上一位丟牌玩家說出相同數字的牌; 若【抓牌】,但丟牌玩家沒說謊,則桌上所有牌由【抓牌玩家】收下,且下一輪繼續由【丟牌玩家】出牌; 若【抓牌】,但丟牌玩家卻說謊,則桌上所有牌由【丟牌玩家】收下,且下一輪由【抓牌玩家】出牌;- 最後,誰先把手上的牌全丟完,誰就是贏家。[Poker] ● bragging is an interesting poker [than luck than judgment] game,Chinese also known as [brand] lying,English called Poker Card Boast,Who threw the first complete handle on the card, who is the winner. Moreover, through the list, you can see your score in the global ranking Oh world. The game features:- Create your own card design.- providing a pattern of 21 kinds of cards, 18 kinds of color cards, 17 kinds of digital patterns.- Solitaire pattern, color, digital style, animation, background mix and match.- You can use the score card unlock pattern, color.- Click on the player, the player can customize the name of the pattern. game rules :- First of all, each player first four hands have the same number of [brand] discarded.- The first game, first start by the beginning who lost card.- Under innings, the brand began to lose winner.- Players can lose a license to say the correct number, you can also lied about numbers, the next player there [plus brand / brand] arrested two choices, If the card [plus], only the player on a lost card to say the same number of cards; If caught [brand], but lost card players did not lie, then all the cards on the table by the players draw cards [] accept and continue to the next round of the cards by the players] [lost card; If caught [brand], but lost card players was lying, then all the cards on the table by the players] accept [lost card, and the next round by the player to draw cards [cards];- Finally, who lost the first hand of cards full finished, who is the winner.●【自訂紙牌圖案】增加【正反面】設計。● 在首頁【設定選項】裡的【手牌位置】項目,可調整手牌位置,避免廣告遮住手牌。● 修正一些錯誤與問題。